Rosenlund hosted three weeks of NVC Meetings and camps through July... After all the commotion and work going on I decided to take a few weeks and visit friends and relatives in Sweden.
I traveled to Copenhagen first with a friend i met in Rosenlund. She took me to her apartment in Copenhagen and Showed me to some wonderful places around where she lives.
First she showed me an ex-army quarters that had been taken over by hippies and converted into a little town of it's own called Cristiania. It was amazing to be walking down a big city shopping street, turn the corner, and next thing you know your in hippie land.
Later in the evening we took a bus out of the town to Dragör, an old town on the cost. Sanne, my friend, is also a bird watcher. Se showed me the spots she loved to go to to watch, one being a big goose and duck "housing service". Then we went into the town, a car-less place full of small yellow houses and stone laid alleys lined with hundreds of beautiful colored Holly Hocks. They really impressed me...
The next day i took the buss to Sweden, and now I'm here, high summer Skogsberg; beautiful Gardens, raspberry bushes overflowing with berries, pots cooking with jams of harvests of blueberries from the forest, and all the other exiting things that summer brings.
I'm exited to upload the photos - soon! ATL (All the Love)
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